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Broker-Dealer Consulting


Interim CCO solution with sophisticated knowledge base (but without the added price tag).

The Brief:

A management team from a large NYC-based broker-dealer was concerned that their Chief Compliance officer was not effective in the position.  The management team, however, did not have the knowledge or expertise to fully assess the CCO’s capabilities or the capacity to replace the CCO in an efficient manner.

The Approach:

Foreside stepped in as interim broker-dealer Chief Compliance Officer, and within the first six weeks, completed an assessment of the firm’s compliance program and prepared new written supervisory procedures.  This gave the firm’s management team time to find a suitable full-time CCO replacement.

The Result:

The firm was able to immediately strengthen its compliance program and leverage an efficient and effective temporary solution with Foreside. The firm then partnered with Foreside to find the right full-time CCO who could leverage the new compliance program and support the firm moving forward.  Foreside’s rapid response enabled the firm to address its compliance needs and provide a strong compliance foundation for its new CCO.



All situations are evaluated independently, and results may differ. It is important to note these case studies are not testimonials, but examples of strategies that have been deployed to assist our clients.  These examples may not be representative of your experience with Foreside and do not guarantee that you will experience the same or similar results.

Foreside and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice and case studies are provided for informational use only.